Committee Meetings:

We are instigating informal committee meetings to be held after the Monday night session every other month.

Next meeting: Monday 4th November


Social Event

SASC Quiz Night 2nd Tuesday of the month. 7.45pm at Elm Tree Social Club, Stockton.

Next Quiz – Tuesday 10th December 2019 (Xmas Quiz)



New Swim Hats – We have ordered 15 new swimming caps (Black and Yellow with Stockton Masters logo). They are £10 each. Speak to Ian if you would like one.

For a comprehensive list of all events including entry details and forms, please click here and use the ASA’s website calendar to filter all ‘Masters’ Events. For results you can use this site:

To all members – make sure you are part of our WhatsApp group and Facebook group to be updated on events and notices. IF you need details to access these please speak with Ian.